Monday, October 16, 2023

Library News

Digital Citizenship 

Kindergarten and 1st grade have been learning about digital citizenship in Library Skills. Digital Citizen Week is October 16 nationally and the state of Wisconsin has proclaimed October to be Keeping Kids Safe Online this month.  Common Sense Media has some resources including calendars for you to use in your classroom. 

The students learned about being safe, respectful, and responsible online and took home a Digital Citizenship Family Activity. 

October 18 Skills Rotation

Kindergarten will need their headphones for the October 18th rotation. They will be practicing digital citizenship while using the October Choice Board.

1st Grade will be learning about the origin of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade by reading Balloons Over Broadway by Melissa Sweet. In art class they will begin constructing their "balloons" that will be used in the Balloons Over Tanner Parade which will take place on November 17.

Library Checkout

If you have extra plastic bags, we will take them. We want students to transport library books in plastic bags and some don't remember their bag.

Technology Integration

When introducing or using technology in your classroom, I would love to come in and assist. You can view my available times in my calendar

Library Surprise

Watch for a Halloween surprise from the library to share with your class.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

October News

 Library News

Books.png Library: Check out this month's featured collections, including Digital Leadership & Safety, just in time for Digital Citizenship Week October 16-20th!

folder_emoji.png Family Conferences: Support student involvement in family conferences with this reflection activity.

emoji-plainstar.png New Feature: Highlights! Use Highlights to capture students' best work for conferences, to keep a running folder of mastery of learning, and more!

Here is a link to the Seesaw October calendar with ideas. There are three calendars, so look for the one for your grade level.


If you are looking for a Jamboard alternative try FigJam.  It is a free online whiteboard similar to Jamboard.

iPad and Chromebook carts

There are two iPad carts and one Chromebook cart available for checkout. There are calendars on top of the carts to sign them out. If you want assistance with technology in your classroom, I am available to help.


There are "Teacher Tiles" on Symbaloo with specific resourse for each teacher's class. If you want to change your tile, let me know.  Below is an example of Mrs. Boucher's tile.